All of our private sector partners report difficulties in finding staff qualified in specific practical tasks, forcing them to recruit from Maputo or neighboring Zimbabwe. Most existing TVET courses in Mozambique are long (at least six months), far from ideal for firms wishing to send staff for skills development. In addition, many are heavily theoretical and fail to equip staff with the task-specific and knowledge their employer’s demand.
NCBA CLUSA provides practical, skills-based training courses for those either already employed or seeking employment. We enter into formal partnerships with employers to diagnose their training requirements and design short, practical curriculum that match these needs. Our practical TVET courses include dorsal sprayer and boom sprayer calibration, tractor operation, and Global GAP and SMETA regulations for exports. Uniquely in Mozambique, our courses are short (with modules less than one week). For graduates not yet in employment, we complement training with internships and work experience placements.