2020 – 2024
Using a nexus approach integrating food security, water and energy sectors, the Austrian development Corporation funded Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Sofala Project (CSAW Sofala) is supporting smallholders in Caia, Buzi and Machanga districts of Sofala province to increase their resilience to future climate shocks after Cyclone Idai hit the province in early 2019. CSAW Sofala, which is implemented in partnership with district government through its District Services for Economic Development (SDAE) and District Services for Planning and Infrastructure (SDPI), will reach 7,800 smallholders (50% women), focusing first on basic WASH provision and promotion of conservation agriculture techniques as farmers recuperate their livelihoods post-cyclone, then moving on to the promotion of more market orientated production (such as horticultural production using solar pumps) and other forms of rural commerce (e.g. input sales and commodity aggregation